
Takura recycling and waste solutions

Salena is a passionate supporter of Replas and has purchased our products so she could showcase the use of recycled plastic at her weigh bridge office, at the newly constructed Takura recycling facility.

Here is what Salena Horne at Office Manager at Takura Recycling had to say  “We chose Replas’s recycled plastic products as it is important to us to be the end users and support companies like Replas who are finding solutions for the endless supply of plastics that would normally go to landfill. “

“The bonus with these products is that they require very little maintenance and have a very long life.  Even better when these products do require replacing you just recycle them again and again and again and again.  The circular economy is the way of the future so that we can take the strain off our planets precious resources.”

Thank you Salena for choosing us and for a part of the circular economy.


Daintree Seat

A popular choice, suitable for a variety of settings.